
Wearing taweez


1. Is taweez (wearing along neck or arm giving by anybody and writing something on it) permissible? If someone believes in it that it can help him and he dies, does it lead to shirk?

2. Can we pray behind a Imam who wears these types of taweez and believes in it?

Charging for ruqya

Q: I need help as I have been affected by sihr. Alhamdulillah Allah has helped me through some very difficult times in my life. I heard about ruqya and when I searched and found a group of people in SA who does this but they charge money. Is this genuine and are you allowed to charge money? I am very weary of most people as I believe that they use Jinn to trick people into believing their "healing" powers and it is also detrimental to ones Imaan.

Wazifa for Hifz

Q: I am trying to do hifz at home without a tutor or institution with translation. I am little irregular. Means leave on for days. Often neglect manzil revision. But Alhamdulillah able to revise pretty easily. Can you please tell me Quranic verse to be regular learner, sharp memory and keeping the Qur'an safe in my heart?

Reading manzil

Q: What is the status of reading Manzil for protection daily in the morning and evening? Should we make it a routine to stay protected? Is it mustahab, sunnah or what?

Wazifa for weak memory

Q: I am currently doing hifz. I try my best to refrain from any sin, however my memory is very week and it is hard for me to memorize. Is there any advice one can give to me on how to memorize and is there any specific duas I should read?

Difficulty getting married

Q: I am now 31 years yet can not find a groom. Actually I missed many opportunities now I regret that though I know that was Allah's decree. Now I feel too restless. No inner peace of mind. How can I remove my stress by dua? How can I convince Allah for getting married very soon?

Reciting the Mu'awwazatain

Q: When my brother got married, after nikaah my bhabhi closed her eyes and didn't speak a single word till she reached to her grooms house, after that her aunty put her finger on Quran paak Sureh Yusuf ayat no. 2 and she opened her eyes and started reciting sureh Yusuf ayat no. 2 and 3 , after that she behaved normally. I want to ask what she did? I mean what is the full wazifa and what is it meant for? Please let me know, i'll b very grateful to you.