
Worried about one's height

Q: I am 28 years old and my height is only 5.5 Alhamdulillah but I want my height to increase by 2,3 inches. People say that it is impossible to gain height at such an age but I believe that nothing is impossible for Allah so is there any Dua for the same and is it permissible to ask Allah to increase my height.

Black magic

Q: I have a question about my friend. My friend was a victim of black magic and jinns since long. So she was not getting married due to jinns. She tried many islamic wazifas and took help of many islamic scholars to get cured black magics on her. But after some time situations used to re-occur. My friend got a marriage proposal again. Guy said he really liked the girl and my friend also liked this proposal guy very much. But for no proper reason this proposal also got rejected. After years of trying to get rid of jinns by islamic way. Jinns used to again attack my friend's marriage proposals again. My friend finally visited a man who had jinns under his control to eliminate the jinns which were causing problems in my friend's marriage proposals. And my friend used help of jinns to get back the lost marriage proposal which got cancelled for no proper reason. And she got married to this proposal muslim guy in islamic way of getting married. My friend did sin but she strongly believed in Allah is the only God and creator of this universe before marriage, while her marriage and still my friend believes that Allah is the only God. Now our question is, is my friend's marriage relationship with her husband is valid as per islam? Are her children from this marriage legal or illegal as per islam? And all this while when ever she was physically close to her husband, was legal or illegal? Please reply, eagerly waiting for your soon reply.

Practising black magic

Q: My elder brother is involved in a relationship with a girl and my parents and family are completely against his views. The girl is divorced and now she is in a relationship with my brother. Girl is 7 years elder to my brother! My brother is completely out of his mind and he even wants to go againt my parents and willing to marry her and planning for nikaah with her! My parents completely tried to convince him but its going to be useless! There is nothing left to convince him now. So in this situation if we take the help of black magic so will it be haraam? Like completely make that girl to forget my brother or completely making my brother to forget her by the help of black magic so will it be haraam? Because in any manner we don't want to commit anything which is haraam! But other than that there is no other way left as we are loosing him. He agrees to go againt my parents and wants to make nikaah with that girl!


Q: You said that wazifa for kids good behaviour is to read Fatiha and blow on their food. Is blowing taken from hadeeth? I am afraid of such things because my mind fear everything that looks like not relying on Allah as I am afraid to commit shirk. You know hadeeth, I don't know them. Could you please share with me from which hadeeth it is taken and could you please let me know that whenever you give such advises its taken from the practice of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? You said not to give sweets and processed food to kids, what is the problem with that? Could you please share? Also I have a question. Asking Allah after salah about a pious husband in your own language is the same as the dua from Quran or this particular dua was given to us as a help from Our Allah and He advises us to recite it? Why must it be read 7 times, is it taken from hadeeth?