
Wazifa for good health

Q: I am in a problem. My dad in Pakistan has an abdominal tumour. The doctor suggested we do an operation. My dad is 78 year old and his blood level is very low. My sister in Pakistan is taking care of him. We have no brother, only our dad is our support. Please give me any waizfa so he recovers soon. I am very worried. Please help me.

Wazifa for barakah in sutenance

Q: I am 20 years old and my dad has passed away. I live with my mother in Switzerland at my uncle house, Actually I am very worried about my work or job because whenever I try to search , some type of problem is created and I am going to be jobless. I don't want to be dependent on my uncle. My uncle always creates problems for me and my mum. Kindly give me some "wazifa" or "prayers " by which I could get rizq by the help of Allah, and I want to be dependent on Allah, not anybody else.

Wazifa for breastfeeding

Q: My baby didn't want to breastfeed. I tried several times but in vain, so I took pills to dry up my milk. Now I really want to try to breastfeed again . Is there any special dua to be able to breastfeed as the breast milk has dried up.


Q: I would like to know if some Aalim gave a taweez and said put this in water and drink it and Allah Ta'ala will give you shifa, whether it is allowed in Islam to write taweez. If you can give me a reference from Qur'an or Sunnah about taweez.

Black magic

Q: From the past two years, every proposal that comes for me on my door doesn't turn up ever again. I tried several amaliyaat and also few wazifas but the problem is still there. In this regard I was suggested by someone to do an istikhara and to intend to know from Allah Ta'ala what the problem actually is behind nobody turning up after seeing me. Last night I offered two nafls and read dua e istakhara as per the method, and slept. Just in a moment, I saw a black white cockroach crawling on my body near my neck. I have been reciting four quls after every Salah and before retiring to bed and I am punctual at offering Salaah five times a day. Please I want to know what this means, please interpret my dream and then suggest the remedy.