

Q: I'm currently expecting my fifth baby and I want to know if I obtained a taweez from my local mufti to wear on at the time of labour and child birth, will it be haraam? Will I be committing shirk in any way? An urgent reply will be highly appreciated.

Wazifa for financial problems

Q: May Allah Ta'ala bless you and your family. Our family is surpassing through financial problems. I and my father are jobless. We both are engineers and I'm trying for a job and my father too. We are not getting employment anywhere. I don't know what kind of obstacles are coming in our way. Please suggest me some dua to recite so that our financially conditions could improve further. Give me a collection of duas so that I can recite it. I read surah waqiah, surah talaq, surah asshura still could not find any changes. I want a dua which should remove every obstacle even though if we are under sihr. A dua which can remove every spiritual, evil eye or any kind of obstacle. Please a dua which can remove every obstacle and increase sustenance. From wherever we are finding source of income surely there is some obstacle in our way.

Wazifa for a good job

Q: My husband is working in a bank in Saudi but his salary is not increasing and he is searching for non banking job but he is not getting that. Also please help me give any dua so that the salary should increase or he get a good job.

Ruqya treatment

Q: Part of a ruqya treatment is that after you bath, you should burn an incense stick and let the smoke pass from under you. That is you should stand over it. Is this permissable?

Salaatul Haajat

Q: May Allah Ta'ala bless you and your family always. Mufti sahaab I wanted a dua that fulfil my particular hajath. Please give me a dua to recite, so that I can ask my haajat to Allah Ta'ala along reciting it with dua. Please suggest me some good and effective dua through which my hajat will become fulfilled. Please send me some good dua to read and ask for hajat.

Practising on an amal

Q: I have read somewhere that reciting the following ayat 313 times انما اشكو بثي و حزني الى الله in between the sunnah and witr of Isha salah is beneficial for those seeking good proposals for their daughters. Is it permissible for me to practice the same?

Making Ta'leem at home

Q: Please help me out from this problem. Let me tell you my problem. My family are not in right way. They are not pious and they are ignorant about Islam. They do all wrong things like taking loans unnecessarily, roaming here and there. Please give me some wazifa which can change my family.