
Suffering from psoriasis

Q: I have been suffering from psoriasis on my head for 8 years! Its a terrible experience for me passing a single moment. I cry and pray to Allah. I have visited many doctors, but no result. Now it's not possible for me to see the doctors anymore because I belong to the lower middle class family. My hair is falling and gradually I am becoming bald. Kindly share any effective dua. I need help.

Mental disability

Q: I would like to say first that I have a mental disability with schizo affective disorder and I have ocd and slip personality disorder. I have a difficult time doing mentally "knowing Allah is doing everything, controlling everything, saying insha Allah all the time, and using my body, and using the "means", and having correct intentions. Its very hard for me to do this. Do you have any suggestions on how to make this easier? Doing basic things are ultimately failing and I have no idea how to do this well. Forgive me for everything.