
Washing the face in wudhu


1. When the boundaries of the face are mentioned in the books of Fiqh, are the boundaries included in the washing i.e. is the bottom of the chin included and must be washed?

2. If someone came and said to you, "I can’t see the bottom part of my nose (just above the moustache) so must it be washed? What would you say to him when telling him about the definition of the face?

Taking long to make ghusal

Q: I get frequent wet dreams. The problem is that it takes me about 30 mins daily to do ghusl. The main problem in ghusl is washing my feet which can take upto 20 mins because my feet has dirt inside the lines so I rub them with a pedicure stone until they are gone.

I am moving to a hostel for educational purposes and there I will have only few, maximum 5 mins for a bath as there will be a communal bathroom. Plus, the temperature can be 0°c or below too so I can't take a long bath. What do I do as I am becoming depressed due to this thing?