
Forgetting to remove one's leather socks (khuffain) before 24 hours

Q: I use khuffain regularly in winter and I usually always remove it before 24 hours are up before using them again.

Recently I forgot exactly when my wudhu broke after I put the khuffain on. Since I made wudhu and put the socks on after Asr, it was perhaps after I read my Asr Salaah that my wudhu may have broken. I made masah on them thereafter till the next day. The next day I forgot to take out the khuffain, I made wudhu with masah on them to read Maghrib. My wudhu broke after this so I again made wudhu with masah on the khuff preparing to read Esha. I realised my error, but it was too late for me to make full wudhu to read Maghrib again. So I simply washed my feet, put the khuff on again and read Maghrib again just as Esha time set in.

1. Will my Maghrib Salaah be valid or do I have to repeat it?

2. I read Quraan in this time with that wudhu. Would I have been sinful? Should I read those surahs again (Yaseen, Sajdah)?

Doubts regarding the validity of wudhu when one has an oily face

Q: My face is oily. When I am performing wudhu, some of the oil of my face gets onto my hands. Do I have to rub my hands with water to ensure that water gets underneath the oil and reach my skin?

Do I have to rub any part of my body if the oil of my face gets onto them (for example my forearms, my feet)?

In that same logic, if oil from a part of my face (the left part for example) get onto or mixes with the oil of another part of my face (the right part for example) do I have to rub that area with water (the right part of my face)? 

Making wudhu with compression stockings

Q: An old lady has been advised by a doctor to wear compression stockings on her legs for circulation. She doesn't have any wounds etc. on her legs. The stockings are from her knees and only the toes are open.

The stockings are very tight and she requires someone to put it on and remove it for her. Is it permissible for her to make masah over the stockings and only wash the toes for wudhu?