
Meaning of "one salaah time passing" for a person to be a ma'zoor

Q: I would like to find out about being azoor with regards to flatulence. I believe you qualify if you pass wind during one salah time.

My question is, does the salah time mean from the beginning of a certain salah i.e. fajr upto Zuhr start, or just the amount of time between wudu and completion of fajr salah? Also, between Isha and fajr it is a very long time. Does the rule still apply at that time. Please clarify.

Reciting toilet duas when going to the bathroom to make wudhu

Q: I have a question regarding the duas which are recited before and after going to the bathroom ("Allahuma innee a'udhu bika minal khubuthi.." and "ghufranak, alhamdulillahilladhi adhaba 'anni..").

Should these duas be recited if my purpose for entering the bathroom is to do wudhu in the sink or to take a shower? Or is it only if I enter the bathroom for going to the toilet?