
Doubting if impurity fell onto the toilet seat

Q: I have a question regarding washing a place that is najis. I usually can see when this particular thing falls on the toilet seat but I know some water did flick off my hand when urine was on it. I washed the inner half of the seat, but was doubtful if it had gone onto the outer edge of the seat. I can usually see it if it falls on all parts of the seat, but because the seat didn't have anything on it I am still doubtful that it may have flicked onto the edge of the seat. My thigh also touched those places thats why I'm worried if it transferred onto me. I also saw something flick off my hand, but cleaned the floor because it felt like it hit the ground and not the seat. All of this is putting a lot of doubt in my mind? What should I do?

Experiencing a slight discharge after thinking about something

Q: I would like to know if ghusl is fardh on a woman if she has a thought and feels a slight discharge, but doesn't check it because on every ocassion it is seen to be normal discharge, and not mani.

I always experience this during istinja and have checked on many ocassions, but have recently stopped checking because I experience a lot of normal discharge and know it can't be mani. I am still doubtful. Am I ritually impure for not checking this time?

Washing a soiled carpet

Q: I am having trouble learning how to purify a carpet. I honestly feel like I have transferred filth in so many places, it must be likely that my salah are not counting. What is the difference between a thick and thin carpet?

I put water three times on impure cat vomit while drying (not completely) with towels in between. But the carpet is thin enough that some water gets to the bottom if I saturate it with enough water. Did I do this incorrectly and now filth is transferred everywhere since later on peoples feet touched that wet area?