
Using Chinese Sumi ink

Q: Chinese Sumi ink is used in certain types of Arabic calligraphy. I have recently found out that this ink is made using gelatine/animal glue from cows or rabbits. As there is no way to determine whether the gelatine is from halal slaughtered animals, is it permissible to use this ink for writing? In particular writing the Names and Praises of Allah Ta'ala and Aayat of the Quraan Majeed?

Red wine extract

Q: Red wine grape extract is extracted with the remains of grapes (seeds, skin, etc.) after the fermentation process is completed of the wine. The remains of grapes are also dipped in fermentation solution... but the alcohol percentage in the extract is very small and according to some no alcohol. The alcohol is removed. is it impure or pure in skin toners or cosmetics?

This process of red wine extract is typically made from the skins and seeds of red grapes. The process involves crushing the grapes and fermenting the mixture to produce wine. After fermentation, the solid parts, including the skins and seeds, are separated from the liquid. The remaining solids are then dried and processed to create a concentrated red wine extract, which can be used for various purposes, including dietary supplements and skincare products. Is it pure or impure?

Cleaning water splashes on the floor after flushing the toilet

Q: I spend a lot of time in the washroom, trying to clean impurities. This is because I worry about impurities like urine touching water which comes on my body. I worry about splashes that come while flushing when they land on the floor. Since the splashes from flushing are impure and there is water on the floor and when impurity mixes with a body of water that is less than a certain length and width (I forgot), the whole water becomes impure so I clean the floor as well and the slippers too because they touch the floor. The splashes from flushing also land on the sink nearby so I wash the sink also. I also have to wash the seat where the same splashes also come. Can I simply use the washroom without washing anything and only see if my body is visibly pure or impure and not worry about coming into contact with water that had come into contact with impurities?

Using antibacterial spray and a cloth to remove impurities from surfaces

Q: I was wondering if it will be permissible to use antibacterial spray such as detol or zaflora to remove najasah on surfaces like doors, door handles and radiators by spraying and then drying with tissue paper.

I also read in a fatwaa that if the spray causes side effects you cannot use it. The sprays I have say they cause eye irritation. Does this mean I can't use it. Can you please respond as I need to know cause it will cause me alot of difficulty cleaning the radiators without spraying them and having to use a wet piece of tissue then a dry one. I also feel if I use a wet cloth I will just spread najasah everywhere.

Making wudhu after eating food cooked on a fire

Q: There is this book called "The Tablespread Of the Holy Prophet" written by Muhammad Faisal

There is a section on cheese. This hadith is a Sahih Muslim Hadith 687, Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (radhiyallahu anhu).

"Performing ablution in the mosque, he said: I am performing ablution because of having eaten pieces of cheese, for I heard the Messenger of Allah Ta'ala say: Perform ablution (after eating anything) touched by fire."

I would like to know what is meant by "touched by fire" and why should we make wudhu after eating something that is touched by fire?

Are dog hairs impure?

Q: I travel for work and sometimes my agent takes me around in his vehicle. There are times when his vehicle has some dog hair on the seats and on the floor. By me sitting on the seat, some of the hair may come onto my clothes which I try and remove. Can I read salaah or are my clothes napaak?