
Making wudhu in a place where impurity was washed

Q: I had an infection on my toe which I washed off (whatever was coming out of the infection) in the tub. A little later, while the tub was still wet, I was making wudu in the tub and some water splashed back to me when I washed my face. Was this water impure? Also, when I am filling up a jug to use to make istinja, I sometimes place my finger in the water to check how warm it is. Does this affect the ability of the water to purify?

The root of the hair being impure

Q: I read in Bahisti Zewar under miscellaneous masa'il that if a person uproots his hair, then the root of that hair is regarded as impure because of the stickyness that is found on it.

1. Does this mean that if you uproot a hair anywhere on your body then the root of that hair is impure?

2. If you touch the root of the hair then will your fingers also get impure and do you have to wash your fingers and make wudhu?

3. If you uproot a hair and you touch it but you feel no stickyness then will your fingers become impure?

4. Sometimes I pull at my sideburns and a hair comes out and it is yellowish in colour at the root but when I touch it there is no stickyness on it. Is the root of that hair impure and did my fingers become impure?

Will ghusal be necessary if spouses rub their private parts against each other without discharge?

Q: Some times a wife rubs her private part against her husbands but his private part does not enter her private part. In this case, the wife gets satisfaction but no release of any white jelly, etc. just satisfaction from inside. Is there any need for the woman to make ghusal or must she just wash her private part.