
Washing soiled area of one's clothing

Q: My question is about urine drops. I have an issue of urine drops coming out of my body during prayer.

1. Kindly suggest a wazifa for cure.

2. When urine drops come out of my body, I dont know the exact place where drops are as the drops are sort of dried up. What shall I do in such a situation? Shall I wash the whole area or shall I ignore it?


Q: I find it difficult to keep wudu sometimes due to a problem. I know that I can do salah as an excused person. I read online that the excuse has to continue for an entire salah time, not giving enough time to do salah (without the excuse) and then atleast once for every salah time after to stay excused.

1. My question is that it is difficult to be paying attention to my excuse for an entire salah time to see if I qualify to be excused. It would be difficult to see if my excuse occurs every five minutes. Am I missing something? Sometimes my excuse is better than other times, but sometimes it causes me to miss salah.

2. Also, I know the one that has an excuse for wudu has to make a new wudu for each salah time. However, if the salah times run into eachother, is this still necessary. For example, if one makes wudu for asr prayer and then finishes just as maghrib is starting, does one have to leave to go make a new wudu?

3. Also, I read the an imam who suffers from an excuse (such as incontinence or the like) is not allowed to lead a normal healthy person in salah. This seems quite unfair because the excuse is not the fault of the person suffering from the excuse. If it is not a distraction to the healthy persons prayer, then it should be permitted. What is your opinions on this matter?

4. A final question I have is that if one has impurity on ones clothes and one is out and unable to clean it and the time for the salah is running out, is it better to miss the salah or pray the salah with the impurity on ones clothes (or even skin). If the person does the salah, does it have to be made up later on?

Mopping a floor with an impure mop


1. My sister mopped the bathroom that my younger brother used, and the bathroom had pee drops on the floor as my younger brother doesn't exercise caution when it comes to pee drops. Then, not knowing this, I used the same mop and mop bucket with the same used water inside, to mop the whole living room. While the living room was wet, everyone walked all over it, and the wetness transferred everywhere in the house. By the time I learned a few days later that the mop had been used to mop the bathroom, all the wetness had been dried. What should be done in this case?

2. Also, my mother prayed on the living room floor (no prayer mat, just on the floor) many prayers. Does she have to repeat them?


Q: After going toilet, I make istibraa by tying toilet paper around my private part for about one hour. Then I take out the toilet paper and I wash myself. For the past few days, after I make istibraa and I wash myself, I see that after 2-3 minutes something comes at the tip of my private part. I'm not sure if it is urine or water. Last night, I made istibraa for 2 hours and then I washed myself. After I washed myself the urine or water came at the tip of my private part after 2-3 minutes, I washed again and it came again. I washed two more times and I became tired. I washed again and I went to read my esha namaaz. Today, I made istibraa for about 2 hours and before I washed myself I checked my private part for a while and nothing came out but after i washed myself the urine or water came at the tip of my private part again. I want to know if it is urine or the water coming at the tip of my private part and if it is urine should I make qadha of the salaah. I read with this doubt in my mind?