
Status of nikaah if one of the spouses visits a temple

Q: If from a married Muslim couple, either the husband or the wife visits a temple or any other non-Muslim shirk place to seek cure for a certain disease which they do on others. What is the status of their nikaah?

I have seen Muslim men and women enter temples to get cured from chicken pox and I was even advised by an ignorant person to go to a particular temple and say something, but I did not commit that major shirk.

Friendship with a Qaadiyaani

Q: What should be the conduct of a Muslim towards a person who is a Qaadiyaani (based on certain evidences like wearing particular type of abayas, wearing nailpaints all the time even during fardh ghusal and wudhu, claiming that she follows the maslak in which nailpaints have nothing to do with wudhu/ghusal viability) but have never called her so or have never been confronted for her belief except for a few occasions, on her social media raised voice for the persecution of Ahmadis. That stirred in our minds that she might be one... then we pondered, researched and thereafter find how to spot a Qaadiyaani female.... The said girl is our friend, but after this acknowledgment we try to maintain a distance but being roommates at a hostel and in our attempt to not depress her further through isolating her as she is already a detained student... we are not able to do it completely! We are in a different class so that implies that we aren't together all the time.

Please help us in this situation to protect our imaan from this fitnah and guide us to how we should behave towards her. She never talks about religious stuff and is unlikely to influence anyone with her belief, when she even has not disclosed it to us.

Making fun of a person who has an uneven beard

Q: I recently started growing my beard. Due to that, its uneven with one side of hair being longer than the other side. My wife pointed this out and said why I have this ponytail on one side only like Samri wizard. I told her not to make fun of sunnah, to which she replied she was just pointing to my over grown hair on one side not the sunnah of beard.

My question is are these kufr statement and do I renew my nikah?