Factors that break ghusal

Urinating during the ghusal


1. While doing ghusl I was putting water in my mouth and then suddenly I sneezed and a drop of urine came out. In this case do I have to re start my ghusl or continue with the same one?

2. While making istinja after reliving myself, I just put water over my private part three times but I don't put water in the tip of my private part. Is it okay?

Drops coming out while lying down

Q: Sometimes when I am lying in bed with my wife, I feel some drops come out without getting an erection. And after about 15 minutes the stain from these drops goes away. I am not sure what these drops are; water, pee, etc. Does this require me to do ghusl or just clean the area and do wudhu before praying?

Wet dream

Q: I have a ghusal after a wet dream or by any chance of the day semen emerges from my private part but the next morning I don't have a wet dream or any sign of sperm but I think the smell is there. It happens every day and it makes me doubt my ibaadah.

Semen coming out after urinating and making ghusal

Q: Can you please check if I have understood this properly: A man ejaculated during intercourse, he urinated and then did ghusl then more semen came out without desire, before taking 40 steps, urinating or sleeping will he require new ghusl? I read that he would not need new ghusl but this is what I was taught:

A man ejaculated during intercourse, he urinated and then did ghusl he took 40 steps, urinated or slept then more semen came out without desire. I was taught if it happens like this then no ghusl is required. Are both correct or not?

Semen coming out after ghusal

Q: In heavenly ornaments it says if a woman ejaculates and has ghusl and then more sexual fluid comes out of her she will require ghusl. Is this after 40 steps, urinating or sleeping - or does that just apply to men? Does the book mean if more comes out with desire? How is this understood?

Semen coming out without desire

Q: If semen was ejaculated from its place of origin with desire but at the time of it coming out of the penis there was no desire, ghusl will be required. So for instance semen came out of its place of origin with desire, but before it could start coming out of your penis you squeezed and held your penis and thus stopped it coming out and after that you waited for your desire to subside and you let go of the squeeze upon which the sperm came out without desire, ghusl will be fard required [heavenly ornaments, page 73, point 1].

My question is what if you had an orgasm and semen was ejaculated from its place of origin and before it could come out of your penis you took forty steps, slept or urinated and after that sperm came out of your penis without desire would you still require ghusl?