Taking possession of an item before selling it

Q: I want to sell items (mostly food) via social media. e.g. tubs of biscuits, sweetmeats, pastries etc. I do not make these items nor keep any on hand i.e. made to order. The items will be procured from multiple home vendors. I will advertise these items via social media and interested parties will contact me to order and pay me for the items. I will then order the items for the buyer and the buyer will collect from me or from known pickup points in different areas. I will be paid before I have the items in my possession and I will pay the baker once I collect/receive the items.

Will I need to get the order, buy/pay and have the item in hand before I accept funds from the buyer? Will this type of model be permissible? If not, what will I need to adjust in my model for it to be permissible?

Using scented soap in ihraam

Q: I heard that taking a bath before going to Arafat from Mina is Sunnah. So I took a bath with soap in the state of ihram. Also, I used that same soap on my head. Before taking a shower, I smelt the soap and i didnt feel any scented/perfume. Also, it didn't see anything mentioned on the soap cover about it being scented/perfumed. So after I returned to my home country, I noticed that it was scented/perfumed soap.

So my question is, is my Hajj Mabroor/accepted or not? Should I give sadaqa or damm? Is it possible if I give someone money to do damm/sadaqa in Makkah for me?

Renting out one's premises to someone who will be conducting a haraam business

Q: I came across a fatwa regarding renting out ones premises to someone who will be conducting a haraam business such as a bar or a bank being haraam as Allah says do not help one another in sin.

A brother sent me another fatwa from islamqa.org where they say its permissible as per Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah) as the sin of haraam is on them. So is it a valid difference of opinion and can I choose the one that suits me?

They say that non Muslims can trade in alcohol or interest amongst themselves so the ayah is referring to not supporting others in sin between Muslims only as there is no birr and taqwa for non Muslims. And since someones sin cannot be transferred to you then you are not responsible for what they do. Same as non-Muslim renting a house and you are not responsible for what sins they commit in the house. So can I just pick the one that suits me?

Befriending non-Muslims and buying haraam food for them

Q: At work with non-Muslims, my colleagues wanted to eat with me and I volunteered to buy the food. They asked me if it is ok if they get pepperoni pizza and I said it is fine. Later I asked them to just go ahead and order so I would not pay for their haraam food.

Since I first said “it was fine” is that kufr because I was too weak to explain to them that I don’t buy haraam food? I feel like I need to redo my Nikah and Hajj.

Distributing properties of an estate according to share of inheritance

Q: Our father passed away recently leaving behind one house, 3 plots, 2 shops and 2 flats. We, the 6 baligh heirs (one widow, one brother and 4 sisters) want to distribute the wirasat in such a way that the worth of each property will be calculated and each heir will keep the property that falls within his/her share. E.g brother has a share of 50 lakh, and sister has a share of 25 lakh. So each one will keep the shop/flat or plot that is of the same worth. Is it permissible?

Imaan of a person who passed away while supporting the LGBTQ+ movement publicly

Q: If someone asks me regarding Jesse Duarte...and I say she passed away a murtaddah in terms of shariah and if the claim that she read kalimah is true then it is Allah's perogative to forgive or punish her. Did I say the correct thing?

When I tell people she passed away a murtaddah, people tell me that I should not judge...but theres clear cut evidence she supported the LGBTQ+ movement publically in which she stated that we must change our thought process.

My father tells me that if anyone asks, I should say Allah knows best. According to senior Aalims they say that she passed away a murtaddah and if she repented, that is between Allah and her. Please advise respected mufti saheb.