Compatibility when choosing a spouse

Q: I'm a taalibul 'ilm (studying Dars-e-Nizaami). I have no objections with what is said, but I'd merely like a clarification and an explanation if possible.

I came across the following question on Muftionline:

At the bottom, as a note, Hadhrat mentions, "The above ruling applies to the case where the boy and girl are both non-Arabs and both their parents and grandparents are born Muslims (i.e. they are not converts)."

Some details regarding the mubaarak birth of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Q: It will be appreciated if you can clarity and confirm the authenticity of the following:

1. Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was extracted from the womb of Bibi Aamina in a sajdah posture.

2. Sand particles were found in the mubaarak fingers of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) upon his birth.

3. For moments on end his eyes were focused to the sky meaning to Allah.

4. His shahada finger was lifted.

Did all this happen on Rasulullah's (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) birth?

It's being quoted that historians have recorded the above. Guidance on the above will be appreciated.

Eating halaal and wholesome food

Q: I try to feed my family healthy with treats occasionally, but I have to force them to eat their veggies etc. My son sneaks to make savories or sweets/crisps or he will just not eat at all. He told me that I must remember sickness comes from ALLAH even if he eats these things.

Is this acceptable that I'm doing this or should I be more lax in this regard as long as they are eating halaal? He is 11 years old doing hifz.