Marital problems

Q: What should I do if I am not physically satisfied with my wife? Its been more than two years of our marriage and we have a 7 months baby boy, my wife has too much fat and I had told her so may times that I am not physically satisfied with her due to her heavy body and even she never shows her own interest in making physical relations, sometimes if I get angry with her then she gets upset and asks that is this everything?, and I remain unanswered, always its me who initiates. Since more than one year we didn't have sex, and its very tough for me to control. I had tried too much to make herself according my desires but she is unable to do so. One thing more I want to tell you that it was love marriage and I liked her since 12 years and then we got married after our parents' approval. So please suggest me what should I do so that I can live my life without any depression and frustration. I offer five times prayers and tahajjud too. I believe that Allah must show me the right path through your answer.

A: It is normal for a male to initiate the whole process. So don't depress yourself. Go on showing love and in time she will understand how to respond. Some women are naturally like this. So don't feel hurt about her ways. Try and compliment and think good of her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)