
Q: Few years ago we bought a business and we were doing very good. I and my husband did not have to work much. We were very happy. Than I saw a-dream. In my dream I saw that I and my husband were in the kitchen. He did something to the dish washing machine and then I also touched the dish washer. As soon as I did something to the dish washer, fire broke and fire spread rapidly. It went to the breakfast area and than in the living room. High flames but no smoke. I was extremely scared that my whole house might burn. I ran to the phone so I can call 911 for emergency. But before I even picked up the phone, I saw my husband took a small mug of water and put out the fire. The fire was extinguished. It was like a miracle. Than I observed the burnt area and figured out that burnt ares is not too much. But still that will cost good amount of money. In my heart I said this will cost 50000$. Still I was patient and telling myself that it's ok, this will get fixed and it's good that my income is halal. After seeing this dream I was not worried. A couple of months passed and than one day my husband met his sister and his brother. His sister and brother both have lots of financial problems and these are not even real brother and sister. When my husband saw them, my husband told them how happy we are and how good business we have. My husband also mentioned to them that we do not even work. His brother complained that he has to work 7 days. After couple of months our downfall started. Our business went down. Our employees cheated us. Stole our money. Now we both work very hard, still we hardly make enough money. This is going on for 2 years. Please advice me and shall we sell this business? Is it a case of nazar-e-bad?

A: Ensure that you read namaaz on time. Recite the Qur'aan and make zikr in the mornings and evenings with some ta`leem.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
