
Q: Alhamduallah I got an opportunity to go for Hajj. After my trip from Hajj two weeks later I saw a dream that a big shining star with a long tail in the dream. I am heard from my friends that this big star is seen once in 100 years and so this year we are going to see that star. And I see the sky is full of tiny stars and there is a shape of saucepan which has so many little stars in that shape and when I am watching the sky the big star with the tail suddenly bursts and the whole sky is spread full of little little stars in the sky. It was in the night around 3-5 am. I would like to know what the dreams means and whether it is a good sign or not?

A: This is a good dream. May Allah Ta'ala bless you with guidance and the noor of Imaan.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
