Q: It has been three years since everything in my life has been going wrong and this point in my life is the most toughest. I have had to give my last born daughter 4 years to a madressah for two weeks to try and find a job and I have tried. I have used every single cent I could lay my hands on trying to find a job and I have come up with nothing. At this point I don't even have R6 for bread and I need to fetch my daughter at the end of this week. I feel very suffocated right now. I feel that I am a failure. What kind of a mother can't be there for her children. I have done everything I can for my children and now I'm not sure why but I do feel that I am loosing this battle and I need duas and advice as much as possible. All I ask for is to be able to provide for my children. Is that too much to ask for? I can't leave my baby there any longer and I don't think I can feed her when I do bring her.
A: There is no need to become despondent. You are still far better off than many other women. Be patient and be thankful. Trust in Allah and you will find an exit to all your problems.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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