
Q: I dremt that the whole world was full of disease and the disease was very contagious and soon spread to my servants. I ran to the roof of my house and nearly every one suffered from the disease. So, Allah gave me this ability to jump large distances from roof to roof and I saved myself. Soon I gathered a group of refugees, and we were going through a muddy track when a diseased person attacked me and I got the disease. I started to change and get very angry due to the disease, and my body became like full of wounds, and I had the urge to kill other people. But I sat against a wall, and kept on looking at the wall, and I thought the most amazing things about how to control the disease while being infected by it myself. Allah gave me tremendous knowledge at that time and I developed a theory a psychological cure to the disease, and soon fainted. Then I woke up in the hospital and was cured and the people said that they were cured because of the cure Allah gave me with, a psychological cure to overcome the disease of killing others. It was the most beautiful, and the most wisdom related and the most knowledgeable dream I ever saw, especially the part when I was sitting in front of the wall, working hard to find a cure to the disease, and I found that the person himself is a cure to the very disease if he thought about the cure. The images were full of stars and creations of Allah, like the aquatic life and even beautiful. I was dripping wisdom from my mouth when I talked to myself while sitting in front of the wall, thanks be to Allah who gave me such a beautiful dream.

A: The sicknesses and maladies in the dream refers to spiritual maladies that are widespread in the world. One should live his life in the world in such a manner that he safeguards himself and those whom he is responsible for (his family etc.) from the spiritual maladies and at no time displeases Allah Ta'ala. The cure for all the spiritual maladies and sicknesses is fulfilling the commandments of Deen in accordance to the mubaarak sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). You should at all times remain in pious company so that you are spiritually motivated towards the right path. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
