
Q: Few days ago I saw a dream that I wave my hand on my head and the hair becomes short. I repeat this and hair again becomes short. Then I think this will cut all my hair and I stop doing this. ( First dream ends )

Two days ago I saw a dream that I am with a friend on a bike (I am driving) and enter in a covered place like a railway station, long and having two different platforms parallel to each other with a separation in between them and tell my friend that this place belongs to me. while going I notice some sound. enter a room (I don’t remember that friend is with me yet or not) there is a pipe like tube-well but smaller than that and there is something like a black sieve on the opening of the pipe and chopped grass like that we feed to animals is coming out of the pipe. I see a lot of grass on the floor and switch off the pipe. then I see two buffaloes sitting parallel to each other. there is dry grass (like husk) in front of one and nothing in front of other. I think, the other should also be given fodder. So, I have a sack and put some grass for the other buffalo. the grass is full green. I think that I should mix the dry husk as well but I do not mix. Then it comes to my mind that some friend (not the one who was with me in the dream) has killed a person and the body is in the room nearby. I decide to go and see the body but then i am frightened and decide not to see and think that i am not responsible. I did not kill the person. These are two dreams. Can you please guide what they mean?

A: You should ensure that the places you frequent and people you associate with are in keeping with your Imaani values and principles. Avoid going to places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated and people are not Deeni conscious.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
