
Q: I had two dreams in two different days but during dawn time.

1) I saw one of my friends telling me to open a coffin. One person in the coffin would be the one who would actually die (the person in the coffin is actually alive in the world). I saw my 2 months old son in it.

2) I saw my uncle (who is not a physician) checking my two months old son and telling me that my son's liver and kidney is not healthy or damaged (cannot remember the exact word). I was getting ready to take my son to the hospital. Could you please explain the meaning of these two dreams. I am really worried. I keep on making a lot of oaths and promises about my family member. I know it's haram and bad. I get carried away when making these promises and oaths and later feel guilty. Please advise what should I do.


1. Don't attach your heart to material things. Rather connect your heart to the one that is eternal.

2. As above.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
