Dream after making istikhara to relocate

Q: I was living and working in Muscat with my daughter before coming to the US. We are not happy here and plan to go back to Muscat but want to make istikhara. So my 16 year old daughter did istakhara regarding our relocation to Muscat from USA asking if Muscat is good for us and she got a dream in which she is sitting on a wheelchair pushed by some lady touring a school. Also she saw a small water pool with whales and sharks swimming in the pool and my daughter is feeding the whales small turtles. No sharks are attacking my daughter. I also saw a dream in istakahra same regarding my relocation to Muscat from USA. It shows one of my husband's uncle who was in US but now left for Pakistan where he stays permanently. He takes me to show a new house he bought and I told him it was the exact same location where he was living before in Pakistan but just small. He said he bought the new house at the same place because they are familiar with this place and so everything is known to them.

A: If you feel that relocating will be better for your Deen and dunya and there are no hurdles that you will be faced with, then you may relocate. The dream is positive.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
