
Q: I love a boy. But he loves me and another girl as well. He is confused about choosing one of us. I did istikhara to see whom he will choose. At first I saw me and the other girl standing together then I woke up and thought that I was supposed to see only one whom he will choose. Then I slept again and saw myself standing alone at the same place where I was standing before with the other girl. Please tell me what does it mean. Is he going to choose me or will he leave me alone? After that I dreamt that I am having fillings done on my teeth. It was white filling and being done on my 4-5 teeth without any pain. What does it mean?

A: In Islam it is impermissible for a girl to be in contact with a na mahram boy. This relationship leads to many sins and wrongs taking place. You should immediately leave this person and sincerely repent to Allah Ta'ala for the haraam relationship you have been involved in. If you wish to get married, you should ask your parents to look for a pious and suitable spouse for you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
