
Q: I did istikhara for about more than three times regarding the selection of subjects for my future studies. I didn't see any Dream but when my father did, he saw a dream that Me, dad and mom were entering Masjid- al - Haram but the gate keeper stopped us. He asked about the big bag I was holding. My father said that these are my daughter's books. The guard looked into the bag and asked us to leave the bag if we want to enter the masjid. We placed the bag near the huge gate and entered the Masjid- al - Haram. Kindly tell me the interpretation of this dream as I have only a couple of days left for the selection of subjects.

A: The right thing for women is that they should remain at home, not to venture out of the house. Generating an income is not their duty. It is wrong to train her for what she is not physically and mentally capable.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
