Q: When conducting Taleem at home, I recite tasmiya before starting to read from Fazaail-e-Amaal. My father gets very angry and shouts at me saying that I must ta'wuz along with the tasmiya. I explained to him that ta'wuz is to be recited before recitation of the Qur'an, yet he is not satisfied with this. In all the bayaans and kitaab-readings I have attended, I have never heard anyone recite ta'wuz along with tasmiya. Hence, I do not do so. But my father, who is a faasiq, tells me: "Is it not better to recite Ta'wuz? Why do you not like doing it?" Anyhow, with the incorrect behaviour of my father aside:
1. Is my father correct?
2. With the exception of reciting the Qur'an Shareef or when faced with some Shaytaani thought/confrontation, what occasions warrant the recitation of ta'wuz?
3. Why is ta'wuz not recited before a bayaan or a kitaab reading?
4. Is it "better" and "more rewarding" to recite ta'wuz before a bayaan or kitaab reading etc.?
5. Is it necessary to recite tasmiya and/or ta'wuz before reciting Ahadith?
1 - 2. Ta`awwuz with tasmiyah is only for the recitation of the Qur'aan.
3. It is not sunnat.
4 - 5. As above.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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