Taking Darul Uloom students for an outing

Q: There is a small darul uloom here in Johannesburg. They are planning an "outing" for the ustads and students. They will hire a bus and be travelling to the kruger park. Leaving on Friday and returning on Sunday. Is this ok? Is it not copying the kuffar, they call it excursion. Is there such a thing that the students need an "outing". In summer they arranged for the students and ustads to go to the public swimming pool and gave them take away pizzas and cold drink thereafter. My husband is at this Madrassah. Please advice me if all this is correct and what advice can I give my husband.

A: It is more appropriate that you refer to the more senior ulama in Johannesburg.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
