
Q: I saw the girl I have a crush on walking downstairs. She looked like a hoor, and was looking extremely beautiful. I was walking towards her for no obvious reason. I looked up and she looked up and she smiled at me. She also fixed her hijab. In reality i don't want to be her boyfriend, but I want to be legally married to her. I like to keep it halaal.

Dream 2: I was standing as an imam on the prayer mat in a mosque. I was leading the prayer, but I was really nervous and anxious. I was under pressure of keeping the salat perfect as an imam. I was thinking in the dream that I was reading the wrong salat or I was doing mistakes.

Dream 3: In my dream I saw that our mosque's imam did not have a nice qirat so he was setting up an audition of children so that he would make the child the imam who had the best qirat. I was among those children. An unknown child in the audition had the best qirat I have ever heard. The imam selected him and I congratulated him and was really impressed by him. Then we left the masjid.

A: All premarital relationships are haraam and forbidden in Islam. Immediately end up this relationship and seek forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala for getting involved in this wrong. Make a firm resolve that you will not repeat this sin in the future. If you intend marrying her, then you may propose for her. If her parents are pleased, then you may get married to her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
