Boy's parents not agreeing to the marriage

Q: I have a few questions to ask and I apologies in advance if I'm bothering you but I need assistance. It will be highly appreciated. Mufti there is a boy and I that would like to get married to. We were friends for about three years, our families are very close. My granny and his granny were best friends before his grandmother passed away. My granny helped his family when they came from abroad. We have both made istikhara. I have made it for him three times and alhamdulilah each time was a positive dream. The last time I made it, I woke up for tahajjud and then made fajr and istihara and went to sleep. I dreamt that I saw his uncle from London that is close to my granny, he came to my granny's house and he was sitting with her and smiling. In my dream it felt as if he came to ask for my hand in marriage. His istihara answer was when he was in istima he waa walking towards the sarf for fajr and as he was going to make salaah he got a strong positive feeling. He then asked my father and told my father he would like to marry me next year and my father agreed. But when he went to speak to his parents about it, they told him that he is promised for his third cousin since he was 16 even though he told them that time he is not interested. He explained to them I am a woman of good Deen and character yet they still say no with no valid reason. Because of all this problems he was fighting for us but he has given up now but we are still talking. Ironically his uncle is the one I dreamt of in my istihara. He is coming in December. Does my istihara have any link? Please answer me and his parents aren't they wrong?

A: Don't pay too much attention to this. Regularly make du`aa for the good of both the worlds.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
