The purpose of istikhaara

Q: I would like to ask about the istikhara that my cousin did for her for her proposal.

1) Is Istikhara always right when we do for marriage purpose?

2) My cousins fiancee did the Istikhara for her and it was good. When my cousin's aunt did it, it also came good. She saw in her dream a banana and jojo which they say that it symbolizes as good as banana is a jannat fruit for the prophet and so the istikhara is very good. I would like to know seeing banana and jojo is something in Islam and symbolize positive and is their any importance of it?

3) I have done istikhara in many situations where it came as good but something was not meant for me so I believe if we are honest then Insha Allah, Allah always guide us. Like to know how it works and how much seeing the fruit is important?

A: Istikhara is a dua through which one seeks goodness from Allah Ta'ala for some thing permissible one wishes to carry out in the future (e.g. nikaah, business, etc). Istikhara is not carried out to gain knowledge of the future. At times Allah Ta'ala guides a person through a dream. However it should be borne in mind that dreams can be influenced by feelings and thoughts. Hence a dream cannot be regarded as a conclusive proof for doing something. The Islamic way is that before embarking on any important affair one consults with one's seniors and people of experience. The Hadith teaches us that the one who consults will never regret. After seeking advice and guidance, if one feels confident that the path one wishes to adopt is good for one's deen and dunya, then there is no harm in embarking upon it. Thereafter one should make istikhara and seek goodness and help from Allah Ta'ala for whatever one wishes to embark upon.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
