What to look for when choosing a life partner

Q: Last night, before going to sleep I asked Allah Ta'ala to show me if a certain girl will be good for me. I did not read istikhaara. I woke up for tahajjud with the fadhl and ihsaan of Allah Ta'ala then went to rest till fajr azaan. I dreamt of this girl, we were in a school class together and she was a few metres away from me. I remember saying something sweet to her about marrying her. After that, the teacher was showing us a certain really expensive ring that someone gave to him/her. It had like a gem with liquid inside and the teacher explained the value of it. A lady (mother of another classmate) walked into the class and was saying that she gave the ring. This lady thereafter started to belittle or insult this girl who I was interested in. Requesting Duas. Especially for a pious compatible spouse.

A: When choosing a life partner, the Hadith teaches us that apart from basing one's choice on beauty and good looks, one should look at the level of Deen in the person one wishes to marry. If one finds the person to be from a pious family and the person also is pious, possessing good character and committed to Deen and one finds the person to be compatible to one in other aspects, then one should marry such a person.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
