Avoiding those places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated

Q: I saw one dream on Muharram 10 1437. I saw one building construction. The building was erect but the land was dug open around the base of the building and the area was partly black. In a separate dream I saw few rocks. Within few seconds the rocks converted to greyish silver on its own like some covering is applied to these rocks. I thought they converted to grey sand but shining in silver grey. On next day I saw that I am standing somewhere and seeing a lake. Immediately the level of water rises. Water is like sea water clear and little bluish and seems like water level was many feet high. Then I forgot some part of the dream. Continuing in a separate dream I saw I am at the top roof of a building. Suddenly very high waves of clear water approached me and other people. This is like very high waves of sea water and I thought now we will die. I read Kalima Tayyiba with a loud voice and waves blew me and I fell down in the heavy sea water. But I was thinking I fell down thinking magnitude of very heavy water. This was like qiyaamat. Please give me interpretations of the above dreams.

A: You should ensure that the places you frequent and people you associate with are conducive to your Imaani values and principles. Avoid going to places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated and people are not Deeni conscious.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
