Age of Hadhrat Aai'sha (Radiyallahu Anha) when she got married

Q: Could the respected Scholar please cite a simple, correct and clear explanation for the following question:

A Scholar was asked the explanation for the marriage of our Beloved Nabi (Sallah Alahi Wasallam) to Our respectful Mother Aysha radhiallahi anhu at age 8 and consummation at 12. The questioner was a non muslim in front of a diverse religion population. The question was directed at the vast age gap and young age of Our respectful Mother Aysha adhiallahi anha. The questioner said it is against the constitution and it amounts to statuary rape  (ALLAH protect us from such statements).

The response of the scholar was that the ages were incorrect and narrations suggest that Our respectful Mother Aysha radhiallahi anhu was 18.

What is the correct and authentic age according to the narrations? Undoubtedly, there cannot be an iota of doubt and we do not have to compromise with regards to our Deen. However our Deen is Pure an there is always a response to clear all doubts, Shukran to our Respected Scholars. What would be the best and most appropriate answer for us laymen muslims and non muslims if the narrations suggest Our respectful Mother Aysha radhiallahi anha was 8 and 12 which is against the constitution?

A: Whilst there are detailed answers for this, you do not need to be over-awed with the standards and values of non-Muslims. Really, they do not have any values. Amongst them you can legalize gay marriages and they would consider it to be honourable and respectful. They can promote escort agencies for women who consider abortion and murder of innocent unborn children as totally acceptable; for a man to hug another person’s wife in his presence. Really, we are living amongst a class of sub-humans. It is even difficult to call them human beings. In other words to go by their standards and values is more than deplorable. A nation who will teach little children about the finer aspects of sex, and not expecting them to go and experiment is actually real insanity. Demonstrating to them every stage of sexual conduct and furthermore, making condoms freely available to them, enhancing and encouraging the small and big to advertise their bodies as though they are up for sale. Really it is not even bestial behaviour. We do not see the need for anyone to stress over such objections raised from non-Muslim quarters who haven’t accepted the primary aspects of deen. What is the use for explaining to them secondary aspects and issues? If they have accepted primary issues then it may be sensible to answer their confusions.

عن عائشة رضي الله عنها أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تزوجها وهي بنت ست سنين وأدخلت عليه وهي بنت تسع ومكثت عنده تسعا (صحيح البخاري رقم 5033)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
