Consulting with one's elders

Q: On the morning of Eid before 3 am, I dreamt that my mother had passed away and not too long after that, I was getting married. I remember walking into the hall before the wedding and the hall was draped with gold and red. I also remember not too long before the wedding I was sitting at a table and my mums uncle who passed away exactly a year and a few days ago, was sitting at the same table and reading Quran. He was not reading aloud but I remember seeing the Quran. My husband to be was sitting at the same table opposite me. I had my head down and I was thinking about my mother and I started crying and I said out aloud that my mother is not going to be at my wedding. My husband to be, walked over to console me and also told me to keep quiet as my mums uncle was reading. My mother's uncle never picked up his head and I remember he was not happy and the reason for his unhappiness was because my mother was not happy about the man I was marrying. Please explain the meaning of my dream to me.

A: Do not take any important decision in your life without consulting with your elders.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
