
Q: I had a really scary dream and I would really like to know what it means. I had a dream that my cousin's Moulana at her Madrassah didn't work there anymore and I wanted to know why so I went to see him. When I went there he was wearing a white kurta and was upstairs. When I went upstairs he went to the kitchen to drink water so I followed him there. Then I asked why she doesn't work at the Madrassah he said that people think I'm crazy and they are not believing me and he was dead in the dream and he also told me that I must leave when I can so I just ran out of there but the gate was not opening but then it finally opened and when I came out of the house I saw two boys that died in front of my eyes. While I was on the way to meet the Moulana two boys was sitting in a car that was on the lane next to mines and their doors want closed properly and I was going to close it but my mother was in the car behind me so I was scared to do so then when they started driving the door opened and they fell of and died. So I saw them when I came out and they were playing. Then after that I don't know if this other dream was part of my first dream. My cousins and I were driving in the car then we found a snake and she was about to throw it out but then she threw it on me and I threw it outside and killed it with my shoes. Then the next night I also had a dream about death. I was taking out pictures and I went to a garage with my father and there was just a fire and my father and I nearly die. Can you please tell me what my dreams mean?

A: Don't pay attention to these dreams.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

