Refraining from all doubtful things

Q: I would like to kindly know the dream interpretation (tabeer) that my mother has seen in early morning. The dream was - Mango tree was full of ripe mangoes, under the tree using glucose bottles some people (young men) put on fire. The flames of fire reached up-to branches. Branches burnt or not she didn't know but she observed smoke. Actor Salman Khan was sitting in the ground guarding (nigrani) my elder sister and mom, my sister and mom were looking at this fire standing at a distance. My elder sister is a gynaecologist by profession and my mom is a home maker. A crowd was rushing towards my mom and sister. Both of them left that place and soon after Salman also left. I want to mention one thing here that my mom doesn't take interest in films or so. I will be waiting for the reply.

A: Be punctual on Salaah and refrain from all doubtful things (e.g. doubtful earnings, company, TV, internet, etc.).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
