Waswasas and doubts

Q: I have been suffering from waswasas and I try to ignore them. But everyday I perform ghusl as I am not certain if I became junub. What adds to my doubt is I can't put on underwear as I suffer from allergy. Now after Fajr Salah or Zuhr salah I take some nap, then I fear whether I need ghusl or not. In such scenes, I check my private part, when it's dry I don't take ghusl and when it's not, I take ghusl. Am I doing the right thing? Also being a female, discharges occur frequently so it's hard to distinguish.

A: You do not need to take ghusl; just wash the soiled area and make wudhu.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
