Taking a vow in the name of Ghouse Paak

Q: I would like to know the tablighi jamaats view of ghouse paak. Apparently this is his month were he passed away and the sunnis will be having a "big night". I know of people who take vows in his name and other things. I have read that he could perform miracles. Is this true?

A: To take a vow in the name of Ghouse Paak is directly against his teachings. Similarly, to celebrate the night is also against his teachings. So what is the point in doing a thing that he himself had disliked and stopped. Rather bring happiness to his soul rather than displeasure. His soul will be pleased when you practise the sunnah and perform namaaz on time. Recite the Qur'aan and durood shareef in the mornings and evenings.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
