
Q: I had the following dream before Fajr. Insha Allah, if it can please be interpreted. I was inside my house and walked passed the front door which was open. Two very cute male babies were lying on the floor in the veranda just outside the front door. I thought that these babies could be my new brothers, or even my sons. They were in a happy condition: making baby sounds and laughing. I started making 'baby sounds' myself thus effectively conversing with the babies. We were all very delighted and happy at the interaction. It then came to mind that I could do something better: teach the babies the Name of Allah Ta'ala. I then started saying,"Allah Allah Allah" in a moderate voice. The babies tried to repeat after me, this continued for a short while. The babies then began saying "Allah Allah Allah" by themselves and without my aid. I felt pleased but then doubted if I had done the right thing since they might unintentionally say "Allah Allah" in places of impurity. I then left not sure about the correctness of my action. I never feel too comfortable; I was slightly agitated also. The dream then ended.

A: May Allah Ta'ala bless you with the tawfeeq of remembering Him at all times and make you the means of motivating others towards His remembrance.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

