Istikhaara for marriage

Q: I made an istakhara namaz for marriage. I saw myself with my aunt and some other relatives at some other home with a small kid. The kid is playing around with me. (Please be informed that the person I am planning to marry is already married and waiting for divorce and has a 2 year old girl. His wife is at fault so he wants to leave her but adopt that kid which his wife is not giving. So my family also says to me that let him get divorce first) so what does this dream mean as in the dream I have no where seen him or his family and the kid I saw was some other kid. Kindly be informed that in my last istakahara pryaer also I had seen my aunt with a small baby kid. Please let me know what all this means.

A: It is better for you to listen to your parents.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

