Q: Mrs J used to sell goods on behalf of Mr A, on a commission basis. After months of this trading, Mr A's sons began selling other goods to Mrs J's customers, Mr A then made a statement that his 2 sons will give Mrs J R1k each a month because of her these goods where being sold. For over a year this was being done, where Mrs J received R2k a month, and commission on the goods that she was to sell. In April of this year (2011), Mrs J asked for her commission of R8k which was due to her, Mr A then stated that over these past months the R2k a month was for her commission on the arranged goods as he did not make any arrangements for the R1k a month from each son. Mr A's son even said he was not aware that this had changed until his dad told him not to give the commission. What is the Shariah ruling according to this? Is Mr A liable to still pay Mrs J her commission that is due to her, and then request the change in her part of this agreement?
A: If those items were sold directly avoiding the agency of the middle person, the middle person is not entitled to any commission; otherwise she will be entitled to her commission.
البيوع قال البيع ينعقد بالإيجاب والقبول إذا كانا بلفظي الماضي مثل أن يقول أحدهما بعث والآخر اشتريت (الهداية 3/ 18)
مطلب في أجرة الدلال تتمة قال في التاترخانية وفي الدلال والسمسار يجب أجر المثل وما تواضعوا عليه أن في كل عشرة دنانير كذا فذاك حرام عليهم وفي الحاوي سئل محمد بن سلمة عن أجرة السمسار فقال أرجو أنه لا بأس به وإن كان في الأصل فاسدا لكثرة التعامل وكثير من هذا غير جائز فجوزوه لحاجة الناس إليه كدخول الحمام وعنه قال رأيت ابن شجاع يقاطع نساجا ينسج له ثيابا في كل سنة (رد المحتار 6/63)
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