Q: I have seen a dream where I am building four houses/rooms on a small space (which in real I am buying and paid advance already). Rooms/houses are so small that person can stand but hardly lie down. I am noticing this thing but I am building it and constructed walls one foothigh for each house. Please tell me what it means?
A: In order to acquire barakah and expansion in your life and earnings, ensure that you remain on the Sunnah. Be punctual on your five daily Salaah with performing them on their prescribed time with jamaat in the Musjid. Observe strict purda with all non-mahrams and refrain from all avenues of sin. Similarly exercise caution in regard to your earnings and business dealings (e.g. doubtful earnings, impermissible business transactions, getting involved in riba, etc.)
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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