

1. I saw a dream where my father and brother were giving out chocolate or sweets to people. My father also gave me a sweet. It was long dream I can't remember everything. I remember a lady was asking me how old I was. It felt like my father was celebrating a good news by giving out sweets. In real life my family talking about getting me married.

2. This dream I was in a lift(elevator), it's going down very fast as if the lift was going to crush and I am going to die. I started to recite kalima tayyibah. I saw this kind of dreams in past before, I was in a lift and the lift gone out of control. I was about to die so I recited Kalima tayyibah.

3. Any dua to see only good dreams?

4. Every night I see a lot of dreams, is this normal?

5. I red in a book that if you keep Surah Maryam in a bottle you will see good dreams, is that true and can I do that? If I do that, would I commit a sin?


1. May Allah Ta`ala grant you all happiness and mahabbat.

2. One of the most virtuous things to do is to recite the kalimah in abundance.

3. The one who is most truthful sees true dreams.

4. Don't pay attention to this.

5. Don't pay attention to this.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

