Associating with pious people

Q: I was standing amongst a group of Christians and one of their leaders introduced a man to their congregation. The leader said that this man was a Christian and he became a Muslim but then became a Christian again. Afterwards I tried to talk to this man to find out why he became a Christian again but I woke up before I could speak to him.

P.S: I am a revert. I have been following Islam and I love this religion. This dream frightens me because I was a Christian and I live with Christians but I have no doubts about Islam. The man in the dream doesn't resemble me (has a different skin colour too). What does this dream mean?

A: Associate with the pious and people who possess true Islamic values. Refrain from joining non-Muslims.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
