Dreaming about getting married to a girl

Q: I have seen 16 dreams that I have been married to a girl which happens to be my friend's sister. My dreams sometimes are that we are married, getting married, or having relations. I have been seeing these dreams without me thinking about her and we have never talked before as well. Now that I have seen such a number of dreams I am being inclined towards her. Please get back with further insight.

A: At times, dreams could be influenced by thoughts and feelings. Nevertheless, we suggest that if you are interested in getting married to her, then you should mention it to your parents. If they are happy with her Deen, akhlaaq and mannerisms and feel that she is a good match for you, then you may send a proposal for her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

