Directing one's efforts towards the greater goals in life

Q: I wanted to be a football player. I loved to play football but due to many problems I was not able to play. I got injured twice. Recently for the second time I got injured and that's why I was forced to leave it and I didn't want to leave so I have done istikhara. And when I was doing istikhara I was thinking whether I should play football or not. I saw dream.... I saw that I had three marbles or some thing like that in my neck and I was tested 3 times. Eevry time I past a test one was taken out. After taking out all, the last one was given to me. I don't know what to do I really need your help.

A: The dream indicates towards this that you should turn your attention and direct your efforts towards the greater goals in life i.e. preparing for the life of the Hereafter and connecting yourself with Allah Ta'ala. Engaging in these types of futile sports, apart from it consuming one's time and involving one in many wrongs, it distracts one from one's Deen and does not benefit one in the Hereafter.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

