Nikaah breaking through one of the spouse becoming a murtad

Q: I am currently going through a very bad period and I needed your advice. I am originally from Pakistan and I came to UK 10 years ago. I married my wife just over four and a half years ago and she reverted to Islam. During our first year of marriage I did something bad which goes against the teachings of Islam (abortion) and since then my wife has not forgiven me. Since then she has also stopped practising Islam. Till date she does not respect me and always sheds mental abuse calling me names and always reminding me of what i did. Currently we have got 2 kids (2 1/2 year old and 1 1/2 year old). I have tried my best to make her happy but she argues with me multiple times during the day and shows a lot of anger towards our kids as well. Today as an example she has been arguing with me all day calling me all sorts of names and bringing up things from the past. I have apologized to her multiple amount of times but there are no signs of her stopping and all this is having an adverse effect on our lives. I am writing to you with the hope of getting some advice of what would be the best course of action islamically. I greatly love my 2 girls (kids) and as a result I have not divorced her as she will not let me see them and if i remarry she has said she will ensure that she breaks all ties with me and she will not let me see the kids. I am deeply concerned as she would bring the kids up catholic as her family is athiest. Is there any suggestions which you can provide which might help to ease my situation? Similarly is there any wazifahs I can read so that we can be a happily married couple once again.

A: If you mean by 'stopped practising Islam' that she gave up Islam then she is no longer in your marriage. You cannot live with her any longer.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
