Q: One person gave an association furniture in zakaat. Is it permissible for this association to sell these furniture and give the money in zakaat to the poor?
A: No
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
Q: One person gave an association furniture in Zakat. Is it permissible for this association to sell these furniture and give the money in Zakat to the poor? Will this association require the agreement of the person to do this operation? It is Written in Ahsanul Fatawa: if the wakeel buys clothes or shoes with the money of Zakaat, it will require the agreement of the مؤكل. (Volume 4/290). Similarly, in Mahmoud-oul Fatawa, it is written that a Madressah who receives the money from Zakaat can use this money to cook food and feed the poor students. Will the same rule apply to furniture?
A: The association should give the furniture to the poor in zakaat. They should not sell the furniture and give the money to the poor in zakaat. However, the person who gave them the furniture permitted them to sell the furniture and give the money in zakaat, it will be permissible.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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