Q: I have questions about marriage. My grandparnt use to be go to jumatkhana, they were ismaily. But the new generation nobody goes to jumatkhana. I have never been there. Everyone in my family belives in Allah and Quran and my belief is also very strictly on Allah and Quran. I don't like to go to jumatkhana. When I got married we didn't know that my husband and his family were going to jummatkhana but my nikaah was the Islamic way so I lilke to know is my nikkah haraam or halaal. I have a 7 year old son too. We got separated for some other reasons.
A: If your husband also believes in the Quran and hadith like how you believe, and subscribes to the beliefs of the Ahlus sunnah wal Jama'ah, then your nikah with him is correct.
And Allah Ta'ala knows best.
وحاصله أن المحكوم بكفره من أداه هواه وبدعته إلى مخالفة دليل قطعي لا يسوغ فيه تأويلا أصلا كرد آية قرآنية أو تكذيب نبي أو إنكار أحد أركان الإسلام ونحو ذلك (تكملة رد المحتار 7/162)
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